CDPs across the country are currently integrating into the Local and Community Development Programme and some have sought to win approval for an alternative structure that better suits their communitys' needs.
The Limerick model for setting up a Citywide CDP, as looked on favourably by the Department of Community, Equality and Gaeltacht Affairs is now available online (click here). The document gives details of the proposed new voluntary management structure and may be of interest to projects in other parts of the country considering their options.
The Limerick model proposes “that instead of ‘integrating’ Partnerships and CDP’s in Limerick city, CDPs are amalgamated into one “City CDP” thus retaining local voluntary involvement with real responsibility and a continued say in decisions affecting their community.”
Limerick CDPs are aiming to “ensure that the LCDP is delivered as effectively and efficiently as possible with the maximum participation and buy in from volunteers engaged over the years on CDP management committees.”
In Cork, CDPs have developed another alternative in co-operation with the HSE, while Women’s CDPs and Traveller CDPs are also understood to be at advanced stages in working out with the Department how a different model could work for their CDPs and their communities’ needs.
In most parts of the country, CDPs are being absorbed into Local Development Companies (aka Partnerships) and many if not most of them are likely to close down as companies.
An alternative model proposed by Donegal CDP’s was not accepted by the Department.
The Department have been clear that they want savings made in the areas of staff, HR, audit, administration and legal bills.