- "Potentially, I was a poster boy for their endeavours"
What is it like to spend a year on JobPath?
We recognise the importance of hearing from people experiencing disadvantage or discrimination.
Many have no doubt found JobPath worked for them, but
despite statistics that point to low levels of complaints, the 'labour
activation' programme seems to dissatisfy many.
It has been debated at the
highest levels in the Dáil, however nobody in that chamber has the first hand
experience that Ben Panter was able to bring to the table.
- Editor
Many have no doubt found JobPath worked for them, but despite statistics that point to low levels of complaints, the 'labour activation' programme seems to dissatisfy many.

Jon was
ecstatic – The Community Employment (CE) Scheme had offered him a role as a
carer, enabling him to achieve his lifelong vocation, after a period of
unemployment. Days later his tone had changed.
“Because I am with Turas Nua, I am
not allowed to take the job,” he said.
I thought he was joking, but alas
no. A place on a CE scheme is not a job.